Project Description


AIDS United’s grantmaking portfolio dates back to the founding of the National AIDS Fund in 1988. For more than two decades, they have supported community-driven responses to the HIV epidemic around the country that reach the nation’s most disproportionately affected populations, including gay and bisexual men, communities of color, women, people living in the deep South and people living with HIV/AIDS.

Our most recent partnership sought to educate and activate those disproportionately affected populations in the southern US.


Through programmatic advertising, we accurately reached our audience across app environments where they spend time. This resulted in a campaign which was more efficient and effective than previous efforts which included a less targeted media mix of SEM, social & contextual web-based display banners. With the improved targeting and programmatic efficiencies, we achieved a CPM 85% cheaper and a CPC 30% lower than previous Grindr efforts.

For every dollar spent on Grindr, we achieved 85% more impressions and 30% additional clicks to the CDC.GOV’s campaign landing page.

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